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Roisin Murphy - Tell Everybody
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Baaaaaa, pe bune ca a fo' tare de tot. Adica imi placea mie gagica, si mi-a placut si la Bestfest, dar aseara a fost GE-NI-AL.
Cum sa zic... cam de vreo 100 de ori cat thievery?
Nici nu stiu ce sa zic, de fapt. Am stat cu gura cascata, am dansat, publicu' nota 10 (din fericire la polivalenta nu-s scaune in "ring" si se mai vinde si bere...
Am asa multe sa zic ca mi-e greu sa sintetizez. A fost tare rau rau rau de tot.
Am gasit aici o cronica ce spune cam tot ce nu reusesc eu sa spun acum. Do read it.
S-a cerut bis cu tropaiala. Tremura tot Parcu' Tineretului, desi lume nu era foarte multa. Era exact cat trebuie. Si a fost bis. Cu 4 piese.
La faza cu costumele si felul in care se schimba... nu cred ca mai am ce sa adaug. Foarte misto proiectiile. Coregrafia...
Ah, da, si am citit undeva ca intre "pretentiile de diva" s-a numarat romul de 9 ani. NOW THAT'S MY GIRL!!!
Uite niste fragmentele de aseara:
Hey, where'd you learn to fly
So you shoot your rocket up
Into the sky
Hey, I heard you set the pace
I never thought I’d see you back
In this old place
Are you here to stay
I never thought I’d see the day
Maybe in another lifetime
I'd see you walking away from me
Tell everybody you're my baby
Tell everybody we're not fading
Tell everybody no ifs or maybes, no, no, no
Tell everybody I’m your lady
Tell everybody it's not changing
Tell everybody you're still my baby, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey, I heard you set the tone
The day you changed the world you were
I'm at your command
You only have to clap your hands
Baby I don't understand
Why you're leaving me
Hey, I only wanna make you smile
Well, maybe it'll take a while
Maybe I’ll build a needing
If it pleases you
Tell everybody you're my baby
Tell everybody we're not fading
Tell everybody no ifs or maybes, no, no, no
Tell everybody I’m your lady
Tell everybody it's not changing
Tell everybody you're still my baby, yeah, yeah, yeah
I almost remember your face
But it's fading, but it's fading fast
Now that I remember the taste
It's a memory with a life to last
Postul din 1 mai 2024
Acum 9 luni
2 comentarii:
Ah, duminica viitoare o vad si eu in sfarsit. Aproape ca am emotii, sper sa pot da din coate sa am un loc cat mai in fata :)) Este geniala!!
Aham. It was great :D
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